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Our Story

Ghanesta is built on a legacy of passion for exceptional coffee, spanning generations.

It all began in 1969, amidst the verdant hillsides where the traditional hill tribe farmers of Thailand were inspired by the visionary leadership of H.M. King Bhumibhol Adulyadej Rama IX. Under his guidance, these farmers made a pivotal shift from cultivating opium to embracing winter crops as a new source of livelihood.


Among the diverse crops introduced, the Arabica coffee plant stood out, laying the foundational stone for what would become Ghanesta Coffee. During this era, the Thai coffee landscape was still in its infancy, and the hill tribe farmers, often marginalized due to their lack of Thai nationality, struggled against the exploitation by middlemen.


In the face of these adversities, the spirited farmers of Doi Chang took a stand, founding Ghanesta Coffee with a vision to revolutionize their futures. Their mission was clear: to empower local coffee growers, ensure they received fair compensation, and propel the Ghanesta Coffee brand to national and international acclaim.


From a modest beginning with just 20 acres of coffee plants, our journey has been marked by relentless determination, collaborative spirit, and expansive growth. The hill tribes of Doi Chang, including the Akha, Lisu, and local Chinese communities, united to expand their coffee cultivation efforts. Over two decades, this collective endeavor grew to encompass over 10,000 acres of lush coffee plantations.


Despite early hurdles such as limited agricultural knowledge and minimal experience in coffee cultivation, our community's resolve never wavered. We embarked on a path of continuous education and fostered a spirit of unity across the diverse hill tribe communities. Today, Ghanesta Coffee stands as a testament to our enduring dedication. Our farmers are not only pivotal contributors to the local economy but also esteemed participants in the global coffee market, enhancing the international reputation of Thai coffee.


Join us in celebrating the rich history and vibrant journey of Ghanesta Coffee, as we continue to brew excellence and community development in every cup. Rediscover coffee with us, and experience the legacy and culture that infuse every bean of Ghanesta Coffee.


Our Story

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